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0800 804 4932

Frequently asked questions

We are always happy to provide a quick budget price over the phone or a full quote, each lift is priced individually and we always put our best price in first time. 

Typically a standard Dumbwaiter takes one day to install, multi floor dumbwaiters up to 3 days and Trolley Lifts typically take just 2 days.

The main difference is Dumbwaiters serve at waist height to accommodate loading food and drinks, Trolley Lifts generally load at floor level as trolleys are wheeled in moving heavier goods upto 300kg. 

Yes, we are fully national and have lift engineers based in various areas of the country to meet demand.

This is part of the process which is done by your chosen contractor (builder or joinery expert), the isolator/power supply is also required by your chosen electrical contractor.  We provide the lift and the installation. 

Need a free survey?

We can send one of our trained surveyors out to your site to provide advice in person, request a visit and we can organise a date and time to suit your schedule.